Humans’ fascination with ostriches dates back to antiquity when the birds were believed to be extinct. Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans kept ostriches in captivity, tamed them, and made them semi-domesticated for their meat and plumes. So we can say ostrich farming is not today’s trend; people have been doing it since ancient times because it’s profitable.
People who raise ostriches are not ordinary; It could be due to various reasons, such as the belief that raising children is difficult or that they will not benefit financially.
Whatever the case may be, raising ostriches is a highly lucrative business, with only a handful of farms able to meet the high demand. By the way, here we are going to give you the complete details on how ostrich farming is profitable and how to do it;
What Is Ostrich Farming?
Ostrich farming is captivating ostriches in a particular place to get profit from their goods. Ostrich farms tend to be small and confined. Numerous ostrich farmers earn their living by raising other animals and marketing their goods.
For decades, the desire for healthy, natural meat has increased, but the demand for Ostrich has expanded exponentially in recent years.
Ostrich Products That Are Profitable
As you may have heard, ostrich farming is indeed a lucrative business. There is a lot of money to be made from all of its things. The following are some of the lucrative ostrich products you can sell to get profit from Ostrich Farming:
A single ostrich egg may feed a large household because it is 25 times larger than chicken eggs and weighs 2 kg. You can use ostrich eggs to make up to 15 different kinds of omelets.
In large hotels, particularly five-star hotels, the demand for cholesterol-free ostrich eggs is high because of the high nutritional value of ostrich eggs. You can sell a single ostrich egg from $1,500 to $2,000. You quickly earn millions of dollars through Ostrich farming by estimating only one egg price.
2.Oil of Ostrich
In addition to its eggs, Ostrich oil contains an incredible amount of fat that is helpful to our health. Ostrich oil sells for almost $30-40 per kilogram on the open market. Pharmaceutical companies primarily employ it to produce a wide range of medications.
The fashion industry has increased its need to manufacture various cosmetics at an unreasonably high rate. This oil can also help alleviate discomfort from a variety of ailments.
3.Skin use
Additionally, its skin has a wide range of applications. Leather, shoes, purses, bags, coats, and belts are all made from ostrich skin, and each Ostrich can provide you with roughly 10 feet of leather, which is worth more on the international market.
Aside from being prohibitively expensive, leather manufactured from the Ostrich’s wings and skin is also out of favor with the general public. When it comes to the fashion and craft industries, the use of wings is prevalent.
‘The bird’s wings are used to manufacture a variety of things, including duster pads, fan masks, pillows, jewelry, and other crafts. You can make money after Emu’s death by selling its parts.
Dry and semi-dry parts of the world, including Africa and the Middle East, produce excellent feathers from ostriches raised there. Thus, ostrich feathers produced in Europe and North America differ significantly from those in Africa in many ways.
Cleaning expensive machinery and equipment with feather dusters made from ostrich feathers is one of the many uses of these feathers. They’ve also been a very versatile and popular material in the creative arts, where they have a wide range of applications.
Ostrich meat is in high demand, as well as eggs, in the market. Because Ostrich meat is 98 percent cholesterol-free and has high protein, patients with diabetes or heart disease should consider it. Selling an ostrich alive or its meat in the market might net you more than $1,500 per bird.
What Are The Things You Need To Consider For Profitable Ostrich Farming?
There are several items you’ll need to get started on an ostrich farm, so let’s look at some of them. It is not a business strategy; it’s just a few things you need to consider for doing ostrich farming. It is not a whole business strategy. Think of it as a checklist to assist organize your thoughts as you contemplate this business possibility.
Getting A License
Starting your ostrich farm and captivating ostriches, you need legal permission first. Have a license to run an ostrich farm in your area. Before the outbreak of avian flu, You often forgot to register.
Bird farms (poultry farms) must be registered and licensed with the appropriate government body. Make sure you don’t break any rules or laws by checking twice. If you do break, it would not be suitable for you.
Room, Gear, And Resources
If we haven’t already told you, ostriches can reach speeds of 70 miles per hour and can grow to 9 feet tall. The answer is yes!
They need a lot of room, and it doesn’t matter where it is. Deserts, grasslands, forests, and marshes can all support ostrich populations. However, ostrich production thrives in dry climates and grasslands/semi-arid environments.
Breeding these creatures in cramped quarters may be impossible. To thrive, they require a large amount of area. Four birds would require up to 12 an acre of space to thrive. Because ostriches are known to use a lot of water, having a nearby source of fresh water would be ideal.
When it comes to food sources, ostriches are pretty versatile. If you’re lucky, you’ll see an ostrich eat grass in the wild. If you’re going to raise chickens for business, it makes a lot of sense to give them high-quality poultry feeds to ensure that they’ll grow into healthy birds that can command high prices on the market!
The economics of this venture outweigh those of traditional livestock operations in the current market (including cattle, chicken, pigs, and turkey). Even if the initial investment is higher, the returns can be enormous.
To begin with, a breed stock of one male and two to four females is the most common recommendation. A mature breeder (male or female) may cost as little as $800 or as much as $5,000, depending on where you live.
Ostriches have a prolific egg-laying capacity of up to 40 eggs each year. However, if a female ostrich needs to incubate Its eggs, she stops laying. Eggs need to be relocated to a facility incubator to be produced year-round. Ostrich chicks can die in large numbers in numerous places.
How Much Can You Earn From Ostrich Farming?
There are no official wage estimates available for ostrich farming; however, a perfectly healthy ostrich can fetch up to $40,000. It is because almost all of the bird’s parts are valuable, including its flesh, feathers, leather, and vast eggs.
Is There A Market For Ostrich?
The market for ostrich goods is excellent, and the price of ostrich products is likewise high. Grounded Ostrich can sell for up to $14, according to Justin. The price of unfertilized eggs, which typically weigh 2 to 4-1/2 pounds, can range from $100 to $400.
We hope you get it that ostrich farming is profitable. Since all Ostrich’s materials have high market demand, there is no risk of losing them. It includes ostrich eggs, meat, feathers, and oil. Ostrich farming can give you millions of revenue in a year if you do it right.
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