The reproduction process for all the organisms including humans and other wild animals as well as birds includes various important activities that need to be fulfilled unconditionally. For female birds, one of the reproduction activities includes sitting on the eggs, to provide a moderate environment and atmosphere so that the young one gets into this world without any clutches.
Like all other animals, geese also have the responsibility to do so for the appropriate hatching of the eggs. But this is not so complete in some cases. People who treat them at local farms, might get troubled about; Why is my goose not sitting on her eggs?
if the actions are not performed by the geese, they won’t get an appropriate next generation to survive. For the clearance of this aspect, here we presented a major exception about this topic;
that will guide you a lot, about the reason why this happens in rare cases of goose. Just give a read to the article and clear all the misconceptions and queries about; Why is my goose not sitting on her eggs?
Let’s figure out the main reasons for this action!
Why Is My Goose Not Sitting On Her Eggs?
Geese laid a clutch of eggs around 8-10 almost. After laying eggs, it’s a natural habit for every bird, including geese, to sit over their eggs for the brooding purpose. The females receive a stimulus instinct to get on the eggs for the right hatching activity.
But in some cases, the females do not follow up this instinct and do not sit over their eggs.
This is a serious aspect of concern for the domesticated goose. There might be a lot of reasons due to which the goose does not sit on her eggs. We will have an overview of these reasons one by one;
For more majorly. The goose does not sit on her eggs if she is too young. It means that she is older to an extent to lay eggs, but not that much adult to incubate them correctly. She does not know how to attend or treat her eggs.
Apart from all this, the female goose is habitual of giving birth to the clutch of eggs with the number of 4 minimum. So this is the major point to note that the goose will not sit on the eggs until the egg number is 4 and so on. In short, they are not ready to sit on their eggs, if the nest is not full of eggs.
Not only this, some of the domesticated lay their eggs at the time when you are not around them. once you get back to them, they get frightened and leave the place of eggs.
Certainly, this causes the female goose not to return to the egg-laying area again, and she leaves the place without treating her eggs. Human interaction is one of the major reasons that; Why is my goose not sitting on her eggs?
One-off the other reasons for eggs abandoned by the female geese that she rejected to sit on the eggs, is that they get an instinct for bad eggs. Once they found that eggs are useless and are not in the position of supporting the next generation, so they left them untreated and continued their life journey further, by neglecting them.
What would I do if my goose is not sitting on her eggs?
As we know that the geese do not start their sitting activity till the nest is full of eggs in numbers, so some of them wait to have enough eggs in the nest to start their sitting activity. but If still, the goose is not willing to sit at the eggs, do not leave them untreated. Try to maintain the same temperature condition for them, the same as their mother would have created.
For this purpose buy a styrofoam box, in which, fishes are kept. Place the eggs inside it and try to surround the eggs with some of the natural nesting material. The nesting material will help them a lot and hatching activity can be sustained to a great extent.
You can maintain the artificial surroundings but can not force the mother or female geese to sit on the eggs.
The Final Verdict;
If you are noticing any unpredictable and unexpected behavior of your geese after laying eggs, try to maintain safe and secure nesting conditions. Try to ensure their nest is away from all the predators and other external agents, to feel safe for the goose.
Moreover, try to ensure enough food and water around the mother geese, so that they do not have to move apart in exceptional conditions. So they do not have to struggle for food supplements.
With all these maintenance aspects you will surely get the right hatching activity of geese and there will be no need to find out the answer of Why is my goose not sitting on her eggs? We hope that you found this article helpful to a great extent!
Frequently Asked Questions;
Q1.Why is my goose not sitting on her eggs? State major reasons;
There are significantly various reasons for not sitting on the eggs. Majorly including; disturbance from humans and predators, spoiled eggs, hormonal changes, searching aspects of food and water, as they have no male goose around them to facilitate. Sometimes geese ‘mothering instinct is also a contributor that causes the goose not to sit on the eggs.
Q2.How do hormonal changes affect brooding?
Hormonal changes are very rare for the female goose. It happens in the same way as humans. When a goose is having hormonal changes, it will throw them off its body’s normal broody nature. This changing situation does not stay for a long time. But during that change, you should inspect the eggs, otherwise, long-term exposure to the external environment might spoil the eggs.
Q3.Why are some geese trained to leave their eggs untreated?
It happens in the domestic environment. It occurs for the purpose of people wanting their eggs without hatching, and increasing their populations. So from birth, they are trained the way, once the eggs are laid, the geese leave the area, leaving the eggs untreated.
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